
This is a story of hope: HART’s 20th anniversary

13 August 2024

By Anaïs Arroyo, HART Campaigns and Research Intern

“This is a story of hope,” stated Raymond Okot, the Founder of PAORINHER, at HART’s 20th anniversary gathering of partners and long-term supporters in July. It was an evening for reunions, reflections, and a renewal of HART’s commitment to partner-driven change. It was also a testament to the communities and families at the grassroots in our partner countries.  

We had the privilege of hearing first-hand testimonials from current and former partners. Our local partners are at the frontlines of active and protracted crises. They tirelessly advocate for fundamental human rights: the right to shelter and a livelihood; access to healthcare; access to education; and the right to be treated with dignity. They are a lifeline for their communities, and a spokesperson for the stories of the people they serve. Although each testimony was scarred by the human cost of war, there was also much to celebrate.  

Raymond Okot set the tone for the evening with his resolute focus on hope. He spoke about the genesis of PAORINHER (Patongo Orphan Infant Health Rehabilitation Centre) in Uganda. Following a brutal civil war, PAORINHER was established in 2007 with HART’s support. Initially a sanctuary for orphaned children and families who had been ostracised by an HIV diagnosis, it is now home to 700 students.  

We then heard from Hassan John, the project coordinator of Roads to Hope in the Middle Belt of Nigeria. HART has funded four education vans, an interim solution for isolated regions where access to education is jeopardised by insecurity. The vans have reached 12,000 students so far. Using this project as a blueprint, HART also funds three mobile health clinics in Plateau State and Southern Kaduna. Hassan poignantly observed that HART has “been there in those villages with those people” when other aid organisations withdrew or withheld support.    

Later into the evening, our Project Logistics Coordinator, David Thomas, shared a letter of gratitude written by Vardan Tadevosyan, the Founder and Director of the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre. The centre treats people with disabilities and war-related traumas, ensuring that every patient can lead a fulfilling life. Although the centre was first established in Artsakh in Nagorno-Karabakh, the residents and caregivers of the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre were forced to flee to Armenia in December 2023. At present, the Lady Cox Rehabilitation Centre is being reestablished in Armenia. This is just one example of the resilience of our partners in the face of great precarity.  

Finally, we heard from Dr. Sasa, former partner and now the National Unity Government of Myanmar’s Minister for International Cooperation. Having witnessed preventable deaths from diarrhoea in his hometown, Dr. Sasa founded the first primary healthcare service in Chin State. Dr. Sasa has now shifted his focus to political advocacy at an international level. He warmly thanked friends of HART for “twenty years of love and support, twenty years of hope”.  

The gathering of more than one partner in one place is a rare occasion at HART. Our partners and supporters may not share the same nationalities or creeds, but they are bound by their vision of a safer and more equitable future. Since 2004, HART has sent £6.2 million to twenty different partners across the globe. This has funded life-changing assistance – from emergency food assistance to education programmes, from medical support to bricks and mortar. From our partners’ perspective, your donations have another dimension though. In a noisy world, they say we are listening. In a fractured world, they say we hear you.  

Together, we dare to see the world through a different lens. Thank you for standing alongside our partners. We look forward to building on this legacy over the next decade with you.  

There are many ways to support our partners’ lifesaving work, whether in the form of a monthly donation, a one-off fundraiser, or by joining HART’s mailing list. For further information, please see “Get Involved” or the “Donate” page. 

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