
Breaking: New Genocide in Burma a Real Possibility, Warns NUG Spokesperson Dr Sasa

1 November 2021

Earlier today, HART received a direct and urgent appeal from Dr Sasa, spokesperson for Burma’s National Unity Government:

“The military is escalating its attacks against innocent civilians in Chin State. They are using heavy battlefield weapons to destroy homes and churches… We fear that the worst days are yet to come for the people of Chin State. I urge the UK Government and the entire international community to do everything possible to prevent further bloodshed. We must not wait for another genocide to happen.” 

The scale and ferocity of military offensives are ominously reminiscent of the genocidal attacks against the Rohingya in Rakhine State in 2016 and 2017. There is now a real possibility that the people of Chin State will suffer the same fate as the Rohingya.

The escalation of attacks throws the future of the State – along with its rich culture, history and many different customs and traditions – into turbulence. As Dr Sasa, himself an ethnic Chin, told us earlier today: “The military seeks to reduce our brave people and beautiful country to ashes.” 

HART continues to shine a light on these urgent concerns. If you would like to support our work, click here.


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