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29 October 2019
Syria has been destabilised to its very core. For many, a lasting and effective solution is hard to fathom. According to the United Nations 180,000 people have been displaced from the north-east region since the Turkish offensive on 9th October, with great concern over their safety and protection.
The Government of Germany have released ‘Five points for peace in Syria’.
- Stabilisation of the ceasefire
- The temporary ceasefire must become permanent
- Humanitarian assistance
- Refugees urgently require the necessary humanitarian assistance
- Support for the political process
- Syrian state should be rebuilt step-by-step in a political process. On month ago players in Syria agreed on the make-up of the Constitutional Committee under the aegis of the UN
- Continuation of the fight against IS
- It will not be possible to stabilise the country until terrorism in Syria has been fought on a permanent basis
- Inclusion of international partners
- The international community can only resolve the conflict in Syria if it works together. It is therefore important that it agrees on a joint road map and supports the UN process