
Stabilising Syria

29 October 2019

Syria has been destabilised to its very core. For many, a lasting and effective solution is hard to fathom. According to the United Nations 180,000 people have been displaced from the north-east region since the Turkish offensive on 9th October, with great concern over their safety and protection.

The Government of Germany have released ‘Five points for peace in Syria’.

  1. Stabilisation of the ceasefire
    1. The temporary ceasefire must become permanent
  2. Humanitarian assistance
    1. Refugees urgently require the necessary humanitarian assistance
  3. Support for the political process
    1. Syrian state should be rebuilt step-by-step in a political process. On month ago players in Syria agreed on the make-up of the Constitutional Committee under the aegis of the UN
  4. Continuation of the fight against IS
    1. It will not be possible to stabilise the country until terrorism in Syria has been fought on a permanent basis
  5. Inclusion of international partners
    1. The international community can only resolve the conflict in Syria if it works together. It is therefore important that it agrees on a joint road map and supports the UN process
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