
HART News Round-up 5/2/16

5 February 2016

News from HART


  • This week marked the first week of the new Burmese Parliament. Democratic Voice Burma reported that Aung San Suu Kyi appears pleased with the first two days. No decision as of yet has been made regarding Presidency nominations although there is speculation that NLD may be gearing up to challenge the constitutional constraint preventing Suu Ki from becoming  President herself.

    Aung San Suu Kyi addresses reporters in Naypyidaw, 3 February 2016 (PHOTO:DVB)
    Aung San Suu Kyi addresses reporters in Naypyidaw, 3 February 2016 (PHOTO:DVB)
  • Ethnic minority representatives make up a small minority of the new Parliament. Myanmar Times reported on some of the challenges and optimism that those, particularly from more remote areas, are facing during the opening.
  • The Myanmar National Human Rights Commission (MNHRC) criticised authorities for their treatment of squatters during relocation from Rangoon’s Mingaladon Township and Mandalay Division’s Pyin Oo Lwin. About 500 households were demolished in Kon Ta La Paung village in Rangoon’s Pyinmabin Industrial Zone on 26th January.
  • The Irrawaddy reports that civilians in Arakan State continue to be arbitrarily arrested on suspicion of links with the Arakan Army.
  • CSO drug eradication programmes continue. ‘Tang Gun, secretary of a drug eradication group in Myitkyina, the Kachin State capital… told The Irrawaddy on Tuesday that teams have destroyed more than 1,500 acres of poppy fields in Tanai and 2,000 in southern Waingmaw, the townships with the most fields.’
  • Courts have been accused of adding charges onto those already faced by some of the students in prison follow the student demonstrations last year. More than 50 students are still on trial.


South Sudan


  • The BBC published an article about a doctor who delivers baby girls for free in order to fight female foeticide.

    Dr Ganesh Rakh says the 2011 census figures made him realise how skewed India's gender ratio was. (Photo: Anushree Fadnavis)
    Dr Ganesh Rakh says the 2011 census figures made him realise how skewed India’s gender ratio was. (Photo: Anushree Fadnavis)
  • new campaign aims to halt the illegal practice of identifying and aborting female foetuses.
  • Hyderabad University reopens after the protests over the suicide of Dalit student, Rohith Vemula.
  • 60 Dalit students from Bihar threaten to commit suicide after their funding for education and accommodation was cut.
  • Indian women can now be the legal head of the family.
  • Dalit family is stopped by upper-caste families from building a toilet for their home, leaving them to travel half a kilometre in order to defecate.


  • More than 80 killed after fighters from the Islamist group razed the village of Dalori in northern Nigeria, shooting people and setting fire to homes.
  • The Nigerian government has rejected claims of war crimes made by Amnesty International.
  • A report by PwC reveals that corruption in Nigeria could cost up to 37% of GDP by 2030.
  • According to an African Union official, funding falls short for a multinational force to tackle Boko Haram’s insurgency in West and Central Africa.

Nagorno Karabakh

  • The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) discussed two Resolutions relating to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Timor Leste

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