Help our local partners realise their vision of hope for their communities
This weekend, 5-6 February, is HART’s Annual Day of Action. There are lots of ways that you can get involved from home, university, church or your local park:
Take on a Challenge Event
This could be a run, walk, cycle, swim or wheelchair challenge – anything that gets you moving and active. Sign up to our Just Giving page here. This is great way to help our partners overseas who face the toughest of challenges.
Enter the HART Prize
If you’re aged between 11-25, it’s not too late to submit your entry to the HART Prize for Human Rights. There are two competitions running: creative and essay. More information can be found on our website, here.
Write for our blog
We are always looking for HART supporters to write a blog piece on a topic relating to any of the countries where we work. This could be on current political situations, human rights conditions or ways to resolve conflict. Email your draft blog piece to
Follow us on social media
for key updates about our latest work, including House of Lords speeches from Baroness Cox and photos from our projects overseas. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Online fundraising
For the projects you love. Whether it’s selling unwanted items online, hosting a virtual quiz, or a sponsored silly outfit, HART makes every penny count towards serving people in need. Sign up to our Just Giving page here.
In celebration of the Christian festival Candlemas, light a candle in your home or arrange a church gathering to pray for HART’s in-country partners.
Contact your MP
highlighting the urgent need for UK humanitarian assistance to the forgotten communities in Nigeria, Sudan, South Sudan, Burma, Syria and Nagorno Karabakh. Be brief and polite, but firm. Find your MP here.
Take action this weekend, 5-6 February, to tackle inequality, stand up for human rights and celebrate the life-saving projects of HART’s local partners.