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In the two days before the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide on the 24th April, around 600 scholars of genocide, international lawyers, politicians, human rights workers and Armenian officials came together in Yerevan. They met to discuss the definition of genocide, the importance of commemorating and remembering past genocides, the prevention of future genocides and ways in which we can work to end the crimes against humanity that continue to plague so many around the world.
The forum provided comprehensive analysis of genocide, its impacts, the importance of recognition and possible means for prevention. It was a unique opportunity for experts including Geoffrey Roberts, Israel Charny, Roger Smith and Esther Mujawayo, to come together, share ideas and discuss ways to prevent future genocides.
Parliamentarians, including Baroness Cox, were also invited to represent their countries and express their thoughts. The articulation of these arguments in a limited time frame was invaluable. As such, we at HART have summarised the conference for all to read and engage with.
The forum ended with the agreement on the Yerevan Declaration of the Global Forum Against the Crime of Genocide.
You can download a copy of the full report below.